This is a perfect projector for my purposes, it has a 1024x768 dlp chip, and they no longer make lamps for this projector its super cheap. After rather a bit of disassembly and tracing wires around I found the right thing to short to prevent the MB from checking the lamp. its actually accessible right under the keypad.
notice the solder blob on the first two pins of the "ballast" |
Next I see this model knows up from down so I need to disable the switch, on the other side of the same board so you dont have to remove the board it to short it.
The odd little can with the silkscreen sw1 Disabled by shorting with a solder blob Shorting it makes the projector think it is upside down. desoldering it would keep it right side up |
as well as the color wheel because this is to be a UV setup and the color wheel gets in the way. well there's an encoder and I cant remove the setup so its just breaking the colors off the wheel.
Broken color wheel glued out of the way of the light tube. Backside of a 3w led star base |
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